Rabu, 26 April 2023

Capturing CO2 and replenishing the soil

Terre et plante


Through its participation in the worldwide ecosystem of research and innovation in agroecological practice, Veolia contributes innovative solutions to increase the carbon storage capacity of agricultural soil and promote the use of organic fertilizers.


Using sustainable techniques to replenish soil

Soil, along with plants and the oceans, plays a major role in capturing and storing carbon in the form of organic matter. In agricultural terms, this matter helps improve the fertility and other properties of the soil. Some intensive farming practices tend to degrade arable soil and erode its organic matter content. Advancing agroecological practices and increasing the use of organic fertilizers sourced from biowaste are key to increasing the organic matter in soil, capturing and fixing atmospheric carbon in the ground.

Veolia is addressing these issues in several ways. For example, it is designing innovative solutions to sequester carbon in agricultural land through its contribution to the “4 per 1000” international research program. Another is through its large-scale reclamation of biowaste for transformation into organic fertilizers such as compost, which is a reliable and sustainable way to replenish depleted soil.

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