Senin, 01 Mei 2023

Cleanse Toxins from Body & Mind


Advanced TRS

Cleanse Toxins from Body & Mind

Your air, water and food are saturated with toxins—that means your body and mind are too. Advanced TRS uses breakthrough nanotechnology at the cellular level to remove and cleanse toxins and heavy metals from your body. All this is performed at the cellular level.

With its proprietary clinoptilolite zeolite formula, Advanced TRS captures toxic heavy metals like mercury, arsenic, aluminum, lead, chemical toxins, radioactive toxins, and free radicals that impair your body and weigh down your mind. With daily use, a few sprays each morning and evening will reveal your body’s full potential.

  • Naturally Remove Toxic Heavy Metals like Mercury, Lead, Aluminum & Arsenic
  • Support Healthy Levels of Vital Nutrients like Iron & Calcium
  • Balance pH Levels
  • Boost Immune System Function

Advanced TRS is designed to remove more toxins than any other zeolite solution. With an average zeolite pore size of 0.7 – 0.9 nanometers as verified by ultra-high resolution microscopy, there is an estimated surface area of 4.8 million sq ft per bottle that is capable of removing toxins.

Detoxification on a Cellular Level

Advanced TRS promotes detoxification by attracting, trapping, and removing heavy metals, toxins, and other contaminants from the body. At the cellular level, removing such toxins allows cells to return to their healthy equilibrium and function.

The Science of Advanced TRS

On its own, your body has to go to a lot of work to neutralize and remove toxins, if it is able to remove them at all. For example, lead and mercury are notoriously difficult to remove. As a person’s body becomes more toxic with heavy metals, it becomes less able to remove them.

Zeolites are Nature’s own toxin removal system. In Nature, zeolites are an important part of the water cycle, helping to ensure plentiful, fresh, pure groundwater for your health. In the body, zeolites also act as a clean-up system, removing toxic substances that have accumulated in the body from the foods we eat, and from the environment in which we live. These accumulated substances cause our body to work overtime, diverting energy needed by cells and tissues, and weakening the body’s natural ability to heal itself. As these substances are removed, our body becomes healthier. The zeolite in Advanced TRS is nanosized (1/3,000,000th of an inch) to maximize access to the toxin-absorbing centers in the material. The individual particles are enveloped by layers of water which allows them to travel efficiently in the body to do their job.

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